
Archive for November, 2008

Thinking of making a switch

to Blogger. I used it once before, but switched to WordPress…why I’m not sure, but after seeing that nearly all of my favorite blogs are part of blogger, I’m wondering if there’s not something I’m missing. I know there are a lot of widgets and stuff I can add that I aren’t compatible with WordPress…I think that’s one reason why.

So to all of my three many faithful readers, can you help me decide. What do you like/dislike about the blogging platform that you use.

Do you think the switch would be worth it since I’d have to go to the work of changing all my links, etc.?? Would you take the time on your blogs to update to my new address?

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Ok, so I wanted to brag quick about all the insanely great deals I got for the girls. They each get $150 as a 1 time clothing allowance. Past that, we are responsible for clothing them out of our monthly funds. Here’s what I got…


10 full outfits (either dress, or shirt and pants)

1 pk. each undies and socks

3 pairs of jammies


7 full outfits

1 pk socks and 3 pairs of tights

3 pairs of jammies

1 pair of shoes


12 full outfits

3 pairs of jammies

1 pair of shoes

1 pk socks

3 pairs tights

For a total of….


Yes that’s right!!! That’s total! Not each!! Man, I’m so proud of myself. This will leave enough money for clothes in the spring for all of them too!!

How did I do it?? Well, we have a children’s consignment store here and the owner is a HUGE supporter of foster families and what we do so she gives 25% off to us. Most clothing is $5 or less! It’s an awesome resource because I can get so much more bang for my buck. There’s always really cute stuff too! She doesn’t take anything that is stained or heavily worn and quite often I find stuff that still has tags on them. It’s so wonderful because I’m so picky on clothes. I feel like they should have really nice and really cute clothes…it’s the least they deserve right!!??

OK done with the bragging now! You may move on with your day! 🙂

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Not Again!


I woke up this morning and I’m sick…AGAIN!!!! I have already paid my sick dues for the year!! So I’m declaring today national Roehl Home “I can’t believe I’m not butter (oops!) better day!” Also known as “Crap, I’m sick again! day”!

Hope your day goes better than mine.

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Things went really well last night. I was hoping to get a bit more sleep and have time to get up and take a get ready for the day. It almost happened. Carter got up (which is typical – he usually just comes to our room to watch tv for awhile), the oldest of the girls got up too at 6:30 so I had to make them both sit on the couch in our room and told them to be quiet so they didn’t wake the little ones while I took a shower. Well, you can imagine how that went so after a few warning we had to do a timeout, but in the end, I was able to do my shower, hair and makeup which is pretty good.

Today is going to be our big shopping trip. I need to get some clothes for the girls. They didn’t come with a whole lot so I have my list and we are gonna hit the stores this morning. Should be interesting. I did ask my mom to come along to help corral, but I’m not sure I’m going to wait that long (she is a volunteer tutor and has to do that today). In case, I don’t find what I’m looking for at Walmart, I’m gonna go to an outlet mall that’s about 45 minutes away and I will definitely need her then!!

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First Night

Things are going really well so far. The girls are just so great…especially the younger two. The oldest one is testing boundaries a bit, but that’s to be expected. I have them all unpacked and have my list of things we need to get tomorrow. They came into care with only the clothes on their backs. The receiving home was kind enough to give them some really cute clothes, but there’s just not enough of them so we are going to get them some more clothes. I also need some more baby water and more pacifiers for the baby.

They are just so darn cute!!!!

So not sure of what their blog names will be…gonna have to think on that one and get back to you! 🙂

Enjoy your night. I know I will be enjoying mine!

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So the last few days (besides having a backache), I have been exceptionally sluggish and maybe even a little down in the dumps. Just no motivation to get off my butt really. Well as soon as they called this morning about the girls, I got up and started moving!! I got the house picked up and cleaned, dishes done, picked Carter up from my parents church (mom was getting ready for their Thanksgiving Dinner there.), Carter and I went to Subway to meet Mike for lunch, came home, vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms, etc.

So you’re probably wondering what it is that I actually realized…

Well, I do better the busier I am!! I do a better job keeping my house clean, I do a better job cooking (meaning I actually DO), I do a better job keeping up with Carter’s homeschooling! Plus, I just in general feel better and have more energy!!

I think this was a really important realization because next time I’m feeling like all I want to do is sit around and watch tv and be a slug, I know that all I need to do is find something to do!!

**Cleaning, however, is not enough to make me not feel sluggish!!!

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They’re ours!!!

So I got a call at 9am this morning saying that the girls were coming.

To back up a bit because I’m not sure if I posted about this or not…The biggest issue was getting permission to take the girls out of state for church. Well I the day before yesterday, I had a thought…our church has a building that is in our state!! It would means we would have an extra 20 minutes travel time there and back, but it’s not out of the question. So I talked with Mike and he said it was ok with him if we went to the other location. We both think that as time goes on and things settle down, we can maybe revisit the whole out of state thing again, but in the mean time we can go to this location. Everything is the same although it is a bit smaller from my understanding. So we let CPS know what we would be willing to do…apparently that did the trick!!!

So it’s now 1:00pm and was told they would be here between 1 and 1:30!!! I can’t wait. I really believe that God had a hand in this. It’s such a relief because it means that they won’t have to be split.

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I’m A Color???

Found this over at Musings of a Mom

you are steelblue

Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You’re conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn’t even suspect.
Your saturation level is medium – You’re not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it’s required of you. You probably don’t think the world can change for you and don’t want to spend too much effort trying to force it.
Your outlook on life is brighter than most people’s. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You’re not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.

the spacefem.com html color quiz

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Still No Word

Well, we still don’t have any kids. Seems things are going rougher than we thought, but our fight isn’t over. We have made some concessions and the county is trying to see what they can do. The county agrees its in the best interest of the kids to be here, but not sure it’s possible from a legal standpoint. So we are at a standstill. We are still praying that things will work, but know that whatever happens, it will be God’s will and there will be more children for us to love. It’s just hard because we are already in love with them.

I would think that we will have an answer today since they told us we should have had one by Monday. Guess we’ll see.

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So today I was reading this post at Postcards from Insanity and she mentioned how she was having issues with some people who are followers of the blog Legally Kidnapped. So in order to get an idea of what exactly was going on, I visited their site and sites that were promoted there as well. Quite simply, I was appalled and I truly felt that I could not be quiet on these issues. I simply must people know that not only is there another side to what these people are saying, but some of it is flagrantly false!

Now my intention is not to insult these people (although I may offend them) nor is it to say that there are no issues with the system and even some foster families. There are and I don’t think anyone would disagree that knows anything about the foster care system. Do terrible things happen, yes, they do. Are all the cases reported the only incidents that happen, no.

So here starts where I disagree with these sites…

Legally Kidnapped says “The Foster Care system is no better or safer than an abusive home. Often times, it’s much worse.” I say, that is simply false. Again, while (as I said above) there are always going to be some situations that are negative, there ARE foster families who LOVE these kids and LOVE them the same as their bio kids. I know because I am one of those foster parents. All I want is for these children to be safe, healthy and happy. I give them that. Our family gives them that. Also, contrary to what LK believes…I WANT these kids to go home. They belong with their families. It’s the best place for them…most of the time. Will we ever adopt a foster child?? The answer is yes, in fact, we hope to adopt someday, but ONLY if being with their parents is not in their best interest. Now it can be a tough situation because I invest my time and heart into these children and treat them as my own so do I want to keep them? Nearly always, but not if it’s at the expense of their relationship with their families if that relationship can be healthy. Ultimately, in most cases, it’s best that they go home. Reunification is always the PRIMARY goal!!! In fact, in our county the reunification rate is at 80%!

Now something else I want to say…Foster Parents have NO rights!!!I think that’s what bothers me the most, in reading some of these things. The foster parents are looked at as part of the problem, but I beg to differ (again not including the few “bad eggs” out there). As a foster parent, I have no rights to these kids. I am expected to bring them into my home, love the, raise them, teach them, treat them as though they were my own, but I can’t even take them for a haircut without permission from the birth parents. I AM NOT the enemy!!! I have opened my home to the birth families, transported to visits when the visit would have otherwise been canceled due to lack of county transportation, given the birth parents my phone number so they could call day or night if they had any questions at all. Offered to be a resource/help/free babysitter for their kids after the kids go home because I know that many of these birth parents don’t have a support system. I have always been honest with them and tried to do what I could to make the transition back home a complete success. So do NOT say that Foster Care is the worse place for these kids because in some cases the birth parents gain an ally and friend in this process.

As far as the DCFS  (or DHS or CPS or whatever else you refer to it as)… There are bad social workers and family skills workers, of course. There are bad doctors, and therapists, and mechanics, and flying trapezists for that matter. In every profession, there are going to be some that don’t care about what they do and as a result don’t do a good job at it. Again, this is an exception to the rule in my opinion. So far every social worker I have come into contact with has had a genuine concern and in fact (in many cases) give the birth parents the benefit of the doubt even when I disagreed. These social workers have done home visits in my home at least once a month and often times more to see that our home is still safe and that all is going well. There are supports in place for the foster families themselves so that if things do get stressful in any aspect of the case, we have someone to go to who will help us work through things. I know that IF something ever happened and my son would have to enter the system, I couldn’t be happier knowing that he will have a caseworker assigned to him who really truly cares for him.

My biggest pet peeve with most (yes, that’s MOST not ALL!!!!!) birth parents is that they are concerned with their rights more than the well-being of their children. They are more concerned with how they appear than what’s in the best interest of their children. I have had birth moms and dads not call their children on a daily or even weekly basis (or even at all) even though as a rule for our home we allow the birth family to contact us 1 time per day (that’s one time for the mom, one time for the dad and 1 time for grandparents or whoever else… that’s each…not one call for all of them together) I have YET to have a birth parent call everyday and I’ve heard excuses ranging from…”I don’t feel comfortable” to “I just can’t bear to hear what “little johnny” is doing without me”. Shouldn’t feelings be set aside for the good of the child!?!?! In my experience, birth parents DO have rights, they choose many times to not even exercise those rights and it’s that lack of interest/follow-through that makes the process of getting their kids back go slower. When birth parents can’t manage to show up to see their kids or bother to call, to me, that not only offends my sensibilities, but it makes me question their commitment to these kids.

My main point in all of this is… There are good and bad birth parents. There are good and bad foster homes. There are good and bad social workers. You CANNOT put all of us into a little box and label us all a danger to children. There ARE legitimate reasons a child should be removed. Can the “system” be over zealous at times in removing children? Not sure, but it’s possible, but I know that in our county unless there is an imminent threat, there are so many resources poured into these families in an attempt to avoid them needing to be removed.

So to Legally Kidnapped and all of your “friends” who share your opinions…bring it on. I dare you to call me a bad foster mom!!!

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